Hello world!
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Hello world!

Hello, world indeed. I write in a private journal quite regularly and the vast majority of those entries start with a variation of hello my old friend. So, it seem appropriate that my first entry here, in this public setting, is a greeting.

Hello my friend, challenger of assumptions, you vast and wily collection of individuals. hello. I see you out there, wandering about looking for friends and enemies to fight and love. We are there together.

My name is Wendy. One of the origin stories of my name is that it comes from the old word wend, which means to wander, generally in the direction of home. Over the years I've come to accept that definition as fairly descriptive of my general state of being. I wander, physically sometimes, more often though through worlds of book and the electronic forests, by-ways and highways known as the Internet.

For some of us the Internet is home, for others we are using it to get somewhere, perhaps home, perhaps away from home.

Home is something we create, it is a state of being, a place, a peace of mind and heart.

Twinkle thinks about exploring the grass at the bottom of the steps

I extend my words as a hand drawing us together, let us find our way home.

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